Chance (Consciousness and Determinism)

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​How do you choose between in-determinism and determinism? Maybe this can be viewed logically in some way. So given x. If x is a necessary cause of y, then since y exists it is implied that x preceded it. The presence of x, however, does not imply that y will occur. And of course, if that makes sense, the reverse of that statement must also be true. So given y. If the presence of x implies that y will occur, it doesn't mean that x is a necessary cause of y. I suppose that would be a proposition by an in-deterministic individual. It allows for silly words like free will and metaphysical libertarian-ism  And, yeah, that makes some sort of sense, I suppose. But it leaves me with the question of, What is x? What is y? Yeah, we fully understand the letters x and y theoretically and when used in basic math problems. When applied to reality I think it becomes a bit hazy. Do we understand anything perfectly in the physical world? Because to be able to say that x could imply a certain amount of resulting conclusions, one being y, but not necessarily being y, it would seem to me that we would need to perfectly understand x so that we could even define it as x. The problem is we have no perfect definitions. Theoretically there could be an infinite amount of defining words for an infinite amount of definite “things”. As to why we don’t have that has a lot to do with the size of our universe in our perspective. We conceive the universe at a “medium” scale. Therefore we are able to have categorizations like phylum, class, and species in the animal kingdom. These are medium sized categories. It is all generalization, clearly. That is what words do. They generalize existence. Human beings with different skin colors are referred to by different names, but we don’t have different conceptual ideas for every possible human. That would maybe require a “small” scale perspective. Where is the true borderline of particularity for any possible definite thing? There is none. So to equate anything in reality with the letter x doesn’t really make sense. Not in a Plato’s world of ideas type of way. I tend to lean towards determinism. Not to invoke any words like purpose or meaning, but maybe chance and chaos can’t actually exist. Everything that happens is an inevitable consequence of antecedent events. Chance is only an illusion, a consequence of ignorance and consciousness. The universe does not choose what happens but I don’t believe it can be ignorant of what will happen. It seems logical that if we understand everything absolutely that the theoretical x and y will be completely entwined. x will always cause y and y will always follow x. I suppose this intuition is due to the existence of the illusion of chance. The fact that we as conscious beings can assert probability at all. Idk.


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